Embassy of Belgium in Croatia
Home Embassy and consulate Embassy in Zagreb Address and opening hours

Address and opening hours


Embassy of Belgium in Zagreb 
Pantovčak 125 d 
10000 Zagreb 


Tel.: +385 1 457 89 01 
Tel. after regular office hours and in case of emergency- in case of theft/loss of passport/eID, and temporary passport request: please call between 8 a.m. and 9 p.m. : +385 98 203 044

To help you as quickly and effectively as possible, we would like to ask you to send us all necessary information concerning your problem and all your personal details on the following address: zagreb@diplobel.fed.be. We would also like to ask you to try to obtain all the documents listed in the section Loss or theft of identity documents.

Opening hours and closing days

Monday to Friday 
09.00 - 13.00 and 14.00 - 16.00 (or by appointment)

Holidays 2023

Friday 06/01/2023 : Epiphany

Monday 10/04/2023 : Easter Monday

Monday 01/05/2023 : Labour Day

Monday 29/05/2023 : Whit Monday

Tuesday 30/05/2023 : Croatian national day

Thursday 08/06/2023: Corpus Christi

Thursday 22/06/2023: Anti-fascist Day

Friday 21/07/2023 :  : Belgian national day

Tuesday 15/08/2023 : Our Lady of Ascension

Wednesday 01/11/2023 : All Saints Day

Thursday 02/11/2023 : All Souls day

Wednesday 15/11/2023 : Kings’ Day

Monday 25/12/2023 : Christmas

Tuesday 26/12/2023 : Boxing day